Fohow Health Products
Fohow health products are one of the trending products in the world today especially the fact that they are made from herbal products. They are Natural herbal medicines to help alleviate symptoms of diseases and other conditions, and all other natural health products needs. They are very affordable and available. Fohow health products and functions are very reliable and can see to any ailment that is been administered to like the fohow products for cancer which has very good customer testimonies and reviews.
Fohow health products price list is very much available at any fohow sales office or distributors in Nigeria. Fohow products include system disease solutions like guifei bao, seaweed calcium, fohow oral liquid, Fohow for blood cells, rose oligos. Fohow products to promotes blood circulation, though it is mainly a traditional Chinese medicine like the oil soft and this can be in a fohow group, the thermal neck which is also a popular product, fohow garlic, liuwei cha, oral liquid which is good for personal care and other heart disease products are also available, sanbao oral that is a good immune system product, and a very popular product which is good for blood sugar, once a health card of fohow is been given, you are bound to get limitless solutions to different health issues with a very little and no cost.
Fohow products for fibroid treatment are a very powerful and special way that fibroid is been treated in a very fast and effective way. The use of Guifeir bao, seaweed calcium has proved to be a very good way to combat fibroid in the human body. Fohow products for fertility i.e. for patients that are suffering from infertility and want to boost or repair their condition. Fohow brings great products for treatments and maintaining fertility. Also, fohow has products that can cure, rectify and improve ailments such as fohow products for fallopian tube blockage, fohow products for infection, fohow products for diabetes, all these products works like charm as there tested and trusted with great testimonies. Patients with blood pressure, blood vessels, ovarian cyst, Cordyceps Sinensis, gynecological disease are sure to be cured with fohow health products without spending much on medications or treatment.
1. [Product Awards for Sponsoring New Distributors]
a. During the promotional period, these distributors who can sponsor one new qualified distributor (registering with 300PV or above within one FOHOW week) will be awarded 1 package FOHOW product which worth F$30 or above.
b. During the promotional period, those distributors who can sponsor one new qualified distributor (registering with 360PV or above within one FOHOW week) will be awarded 2 package FOHOW product which worth F$60 or above.
C. During the promotional period, those distributors who can sponsor one new qualified distributor (registering with 480PV or above within one FOHOW week) will be awarded 3 package FOHOW products which will worth F$90 or above.
2. [Products Awards for New Registered Distributors]
a. During the promotional period, the new distributor who registers with 300PV or 360PV (3 business centers or above with at least 1 qualified business center) in one FOHOW week will be awarded FOHOW Neck Guard*1 OR FOHOW Garlic*1 or FOHOW Salvia*1.
b. During the promotional period, the new distributor who registers with 480PV or above (1 qualified business center that is 300PV and 6 business probation centers that each of 30PV or above) in one FOHOW week will be awarded FOHOW Waist Belt*1 or FOHOW Kneepad*1 or FOHOW Salvia*1.
3. [Activation Bonus for New Qualified Centers]
During the promotion period, for the new qualified business center which registers with 300PV or above in one FOHOW week, when the left and right performances of that qualified business center reach 300PV:300PV at the first time. That new qualified business center will be awarded 30F$.
4. [Cash Back Bonus]
a. During the promotional period, the new distributor who registered as a qualified distributor in one FOHOW week, if he or she sponsors 4 new qualified distributors (with at least one 300PV qualified business center) within 12 FOHOW weeks, he or she will be awarded 300F$.
b. For the old distributors, if he or she can have one new qualified business center in one FOHOW week, he or she can also enter the CASHBACK program: if his or her new qualified business center can meet condition A in 12 FOHOW weeks. He or she will be also awarded 300F$.
5. [5* Smart Phone Award]
a. For all CASHBACK AWARD WINNER from 2012-2019 promotions including those who will get cashback bonus in this new promotion, if he or she can sponsor another 2 new qualified distributors who must register in one FOHOW week with 480PV from the start of this promotion till the end of 22th, May 2020 (FOHOW week 200516), he or she will be awarded one 5” smartphone.
b. For those distributors who were not emerald distributors before the week 200125 (including the week 200125), if he or she can upgrade to an emerald distributor before 22nd May 2020 (FOHOW week 200516), he or she will be awarded one 5” smartphone.
6. [200CC motorcycle, or Core i7 Laptop, or sweet home package Award]
During the promotional period, for any newly qualified distributor or new qualified business center, if the newly total performance of the new qualified business center which should be qualified in one FOHOW week reaches 8,000PV and the performance of its lesser leg reaches 4,000PV or above in 14 weeks, the owner of will be awarded 1* 2000CC Motor Cycle, or 1 Core i7 Laptop, or 1 FOHOW sweet home package (43’ TV’ 1 +8kg Drum washing machine *1+250 liter refrigerator* 1) Award.
7. [Award for Upgrading to Sapphire Distributor or Diamond Distributor]
For those distributors who were not at sapphire or diamond rank before the week 200125 (including the week 200125), if they can upgrade to a sapphire distributor with finishing at least 3 newly circles or upgrade to a diamond distributor with finishing at least 5 newly circles before 22nd May 2020, FOHOW week 200516, they will be awarded F$1000 cash; But if they upgrade to a sapphire distributor with newly performance less than 3 circles or upgrade to a diamond distributor with newly performance less than 5 circles before 22nd May 2020, FOHOW week 200516, the new sapphire will be reward one 43” TV and the new diamond will be reward one 49” TV only.
8. [Dubia Trip Award]
During the promotional period, for the new qualified business center which should be qualified in one FOHOW week, if the newly total performance of that new qualified business center reaches 14,000PV and the performance of it’s lesser leg reaches 7,000PV or above in 20 FOHOW weeks, the owner will be awarded one Dubai trip for 7 days organized by FOHOW (PS: the owner can take F$1000 products (No PV) and F$1000 cash if he or she won’t prefer to go).
9. [Fancy Car Award]
During the promotional period, the business center which qualifies within one FOHOW wee, he or she will be awarded one fancy car worth 8000F$, if it can meet the conditions as follows:
It's Newly total performance reaches 70,000 PV and the performance of its lesser leg reaches 35,000PV with one Dubai trip in either leg in 40 FOHOW weeks including the week in which it qualifies;
The new distributors who want to enter this promotion have to register with 300PV or above (with at least qualified business center) in one FOHOW week. Qualifying accumulatively in different FOHOW weeks is not allowed.
For the business center which is unqualified before that promotion, if it can be qualified within one FOHOW week during this promotion period, it can enter the awards for new distributors (products awards, activation bonus, and cashback bonus), the week in which it is qualified will be counted as the first week.
One new qualified business center can only be awarded the activation bonus for the new qualified business center can only be awarded the activation bonus for newly qualified business centers one time when it meets the requirements in the first cycle. Unqualified business centers could not be awarded.
The cashback is based on the new people, the newer has a one-time chance only. The cashback bonus winner who wants to get a 5” phone only has one chance in this promo.